We all experience the ups and downs of day-to-day living, but who wants to remember the lame stuff? I decided to jot down some of the humorous events from my life to help me smile when life chucks a lemon my way.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Don't stop, cop

When my brother and I were in high school, we attended early morning seminary at our local church from 6-7am (yeah like I said, “early”). Afterwards we’d usually have about 20 minutes to get to school before classes started. One morning we were thus in route when my brother Jeremy (who was driving) stopped at a traffic light and a police vehicle pulled up right behind us. Jer glanced in his rearview mirror and said “hey look, there’s a cop behind me. I’d better not do anything stupid.” So naturally I thought he was pulling my leg when he started inching forward a few seconds later. The green arrow had just come on for the left turn lane, but our light was still very much red. Jer saw the movement of the vehicles beside us, and hit the gas. We cruised right on through the intersection before I realized he wasn’t joking and he realized what had just happened. We were immediately pulled over, and even the police officer couldn’t hide her amusement when she asked "too early for you?"